Worldwide delivery

After placing an order and confirming payment, each product on website is manufactured within 7-14 business days and then sent to the delivery service. Consider these terms when placing an order. We use International Express Service to ship orders. You will receive an email notification with the information that the order was sent and tracking information. The parcel is provided with full tracking.

The goods is delivered worldwide via Standard free shipping - 2-4 weeks.

We also offer Express delivery worldwide via UPS 7-10 days - $30.

Take into account holidays and weekends.

*We are not responsible for any duties or taxes for international orders. We recommend our foreign buyers to check their country's policy regarding the taxation of goods. We classify all products into "Leather Accessories", "Leather Belts", "Lingerie" and "Jewelry", depending on what you order. Using this information, you can find out how much your country charges for the delivery of a certain product.